Military correspondent of Israel’s TV Channel 2, Roni Daniel, reported Sunday that Libyan envoys, representing president Moammar Qaddafi, arrived in Israel several days ago in order to hold a meeting with Kadima opposition party head, Tzipi Livni.The envoys were officially invited by Livni and got their visas from the Israeli embassy in Paris, the Arabs48 news website reported.

According to the report, four Libyan officials carried digital security documents to hand to the Israeli intelligence.

Furthermore, a paper in the Arab Gulf reported that Qaddafi is trying to convince Israel to open an embassy in Tripoli, an issue that is currently rejected by Tel Aviv.

The paper added that the Libyan officials met Kadima member of parliament, Maer Shitreet, and also visited Netanya town, where a large number of Libyan Jewish immigrants reside.

Yet, Channel 2 said that the visit “will not change anything on the ground”, and did not confirm or deny whether the officials met with any Israeli government officials.

Channel 2 also stated that, at the beginning of the revolution against Qaddafi, Livni said that she supports the revolution and opposes Qaddafi.