Palestinian Ministry of Detainee at the dissolved government in Gaza reported Thursday that Israeli soldiers broke, on Wednesday at night, into the room of detained Fateh leader, Marwan Barghouthi, before forcing him into solitary confinement.The Israeli Prison Administration claimed that Barghouthi was using a mobile phone, yet, did not confirm the claimed phone was ever located.

Riyadh Al Ashqar, media spokesperson of the Ministry, stated that Israeli security men and members of the under-cover forces, broke into the Hadarim Prison twice on Wednesday targeting the room where Barghouthi is being held captive, and searched it.

After searching the room, soldiers placed Barghouthi and detainee Nasser Obeyyat into solitary confinement.

Earlier on Wednesday, soldiers broke into several rooms in Hadarim prison, violently searching them before sending detainee Ahmad Al Barghouthi to an interrogation room, and placing detainee Akram Jabarin into solitary confinement.

Israel recently decided to prevent the detainees from obtaining education in prison, and escalated its attacks against the detainees and their rooms, placing dozens of detainees into solitary confinement.

Israel also decided to prevent the detainees from their visitation rights, and to prevent the entry of books and newspapers.

Israel is holding captive more than 6.000 Palestinians in 22 prisons and detention centers; most of the prisons are inside Israel an issue that prevents their families from visiting them.

This issue violates article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that compels the occupying State to hold detainees from the occupied territory in the same territory until serving their sentences therein, if convicted.

There are approximately 700 Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip in Israeli jails (including six prisoners detained in accordance with the Unlawful Combatants Law). There are 400 Palestinian prisoners from Jerusalem and Palestinian communities inside Israel, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) reported.

Palestinian prisoners include 251 children and 37 women as well as 307 prisoners who were arrested before signing the Oslo Accords in 1993. There are also 126 prisoners who have served more than 20 years in prison, including 27 prisoners who have served more than 25 years in jail, the PCHR added.