A delegation of European Parliamentarians arrived in Gaza on Sunday in a show of support for the Palestinian people.The Council for European Palestinian Relations said in a statement that the delegation hopes to raise awareness of the humanitarian situation in Gaza as well as the effects of the illegal Israeli siege.

They plan to tour universities and cultural sites as well as meet with women’s groups and local authorities, Ma’an news agency reports.

The group crossed into Gaza through the Rafa border crossing with Egypt. Participants include high profile parliamentarians such has
British Labour Party MP Tony Lloyd, the delegations chief, and Liberal Democrat spokeswoman for the British Ministry of Justice Baroness Falkenr.

First Deputy Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Ahmad Bahar, stated at a press conference that ‘the world should respect the right of the Palestinian people for freedom and independence. We want our voice to be heard by every parliament and the international community.’

Gaza has been under an illegal and total Israeli blockade since the election of Hamas in 2006.