A group of fundamentalist Israeli settlers set ablaze, on Sunday evening, 150 Dunams of farmlands that belong to residents of Ein Jaloud village, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus. Ghassan Douglas, in charge of the settlements file in the northern part of the West Bank, stated that the armed settlers torched the lands while the army did not even attempt to stop them.

He added that this is not the first attack against Palestinian lands and orchards in the same area, in addition to similar attacks in other parts of the occupied West Bank.

Last week, a group of extremist Israeli settlers torched Palestinian farmlands that belong to the residents of Sorra village, west of West Bank city Nablus.

The attack took place after Israeli soldiers fired gas bombs and concussion grenades at Israeli peace activists who arrived at the scene in an attempt to prevent a group of extremist settlers from uprooting Palestinian farmlands.

On Friday July 15, settlers torched Palestinian olive orchards in Jabal Suleiman area, close to Burin village, south of Nablus.

The attack was carried out by a group of twenty heavily armed settlers who set ablaze at least 80 Dunams of farmlands, including dozens of olive trees.
Israeli soldiers arrived at the scene but failed to stop the settlers, but instead, obstructed the work of local firefighters.