Unnamed government sources state that Netanyahu has reportedly agreed to begin negotiations with the Palestinians in accordance with boundaries offered by United States President Barack Obama, Ma’an News Agency reports. In May, the US President voiced support for a Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders with mutually agreed land swaps, angering some in the US as well as Israel. The decision to resume talks comes after a meeting between Netanyahu and his security advisors, Israeli public radio reports.

Despite these leaks from the government, some remain skeptical about the possibility of resumed negotiations. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told Ma’an News that if the Israeli government was ready to resume the peace process they would say so publicly. He considers these types of leaks a form of public relations for the Israelis.

Recent attacks and abductions of Palestinians by the Israeli military, including the killing of 2 civilians in the Qalandia refugee camp, also lead Erekat to believe that the Israelis are not interested in peace.

The peace process between the Israelis and Palestinians has been stalled since last September. Palestinians withdrew from talks when the Israelis refused to freeze illegal settlement construction in the occupied West Bank.