Israeli army attacked, on Friday, the weekly nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall, in Al Ma’sara village, near Bethlehem, leading to the injury of two residents, including a 9-year-old child. Mohammad Breijy, media spokesperson of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Al Ma’sara, stated that the soldiers violently attacked the protesters with batons and rifles hitting them to several parts of their bodies.

Breijy added that two residents identified as Mahmoud Aladdin, 25, and Khaled Zawahra, 9, were mildly injured.

The protesters expressed support to the Palestinian decision to head to the United Nations this coming September to demand international recognition of statehood, and affirmed the legitimate Palestinian rights of independence and liberation.

Weekly nonviolent protests are held in different parts of the occupied West Bank with the participation of Israeli and international peace activists.