Jewish Rabbi Menachen Froman met on Wednesday with Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, in Ramallah, and informed him that he and several Jewish Rabbis support the Palestinian bid at the United Nations to seek full UN membership and international recognition of statehood in the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Froman told Abbas that establishing an independent Palestinian State is very helpful to the peace process with Israel, and is a step towards working for a comprehensive peace based on justice and stability.

The official Palestine News and Info Agency, WAFA, reported that Abbas received Froman in his headquarters in Ramallah, and informed him that the Palestinian leadership is committed to peace, and that the UN bid comes due to Israel’s refusal to abide by the signed agreements and international law.

Abbas stated that the UN move is not a replacement for peace talks with Israel, and that it is only a move to bypass the current crisis in peace talks due to the ongoing Israeli construction and expansion of settlements in the occupied territories, and due to Israel’s rejection to recognize the two-state solution.

On his part, Froman congratulated Abbas and the Palestinian people on the occasion of the Eid Al Fitr Muslim feast that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, and expressed his wishes for peace and co-existence between Israel and the Palestinians through the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, WAFA reported.

The Rabbi also proposed establishing a committee that includes Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders that would head to the United States to meet with the its political leadership and convey a message of peace, based on the establishment of a Palestinian State living in peace next to Israel.