Injuries were reported, on Friday, in the West Bank village of an-Nabi Saleh following the Israeli military’s suppression of its weekly non-violent protest.During the regular protest two Palestinian residents of the village, located in the district of Ramallah, were injured by rubber coated steel bullet fire.

Nariman Tamimi, wife of Popular Committee co-member Bassem who currently awaiting trial in an Israel jail, was shot in the chest by a rubber bullet, but was reported to be in good condition, and returned to continue to protest later in the day.

A young man, as of yet unnamed, was taken to hospital after he collapsed following a rubber bullet crazing his head.

The residents of the village were joined by Israeli and international supporters, one of whom was injured. The French photographer was shot, in two separate incidents, by the Israeli military.

The initial injury was caused by rubber bullet fire, which struck the man in the arm. Later during the demonstration, the man was shot in the leg with a tear gas canister, leaving a large wound on his leg and chipping off part of his shin bone.

It is unclear whether the tear gas canister was fired directly at the man, as was the case of Bassem Abu Rahme of Bil’in village, leading to his death, or accidental.

In addition to usual tactics including the firing of rubber bullets and tear gas, the Israeli military used an audio weapon, known as ‘the scream’. The weapon emits a constant high pitched noise that leads to pain and disorientation, and doctors have reported that long term exposure to the weapon may lead to deafness.