The Miles of Smiles 7 solidarity convoy made it in the Gaza Strip on Thursday after crossing through the Rafah Border Terminal between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Issam Yousef, convoy coordinator, stated that the convoy carried more than 30 types of medications not found in Gaza due to the ongoing Israeli siege, 120 power-chairs, handicapped-friendly transport vehicles, and other essential medical supplies.

Approximately 100 persons, from various Arab and European countries, (Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Algeria, France, and Britain) participated in the convoy.

The convoy entered Gaza while the Muslims started celebrating the Al Adha Feast; convoy members are expected to remain in Gaza all along the feast days.

The Miles of Smiles 6 made it in Gaza approximately a month ago also carrying tons of medical and humanitarian supplies urgently needed in Gaza.

Despite delays and procedural issues with the Egyptian Authorities, all Miles of Smiles convoys managed to make it into Gaza and managed to deliver the needed supplies, in most cases, not all convoy members were allowed into Gaza, but the supplies were delivered.

The first Miles of Smiles Convoy made it into the Gaza Strip in November 2009 after being stranded at the Egyptian side of the Rafah Border Terminal for 25 days.

The convoy carried of 100 small trucks filled with medical supplies, nearly 260 wheelchairs, a number of ambulances, 102 vehicles for transporting residents with special needs in addition to computers for Gaza schools.