Israeli sources revealed that the police in Jerusalem arrested last Thursday a Palestinian youth allegedly involved in stabbing a Jewish teenager in Ramot, in occupied Jerusalem, which took place three weeks ago.The stabbed youth suffered moderate-to-severe injuries, and was hospitalized in Jerusalem.

The sources claimed that Abdul-Rahman Zayed, a student of the Abu Dis University in East Jerusalem, admitted to the charges filed against him and re-enacted the attack in front of Israeli interrogators. Israeli initially imposed a gag order on the arrest.

Israeli Police Spokeswoman, Luba Samri, claimed that Zayed went to the Ramot neighborhood carrying a knife with the intention to carry out an attack. He approached a group of Israeli youth and stabbed a 17-year-old twice, in the stomach and back.

Samri added that Zayed said that his attack was driven by nationalistic motives and that he will appear in front of an Israeli military court, in Al Maskobiyya Prison, in the coming days; an Israeli gag order on further details regarding the case is still in place.