Non-violent protests took place in five locations across the West Bank on Friday, resulting in injuries at all locations, and arrests in the village of al-Ma’sara, near Bethlehem; Kafr Qaddum, near Qalqilya; and an-Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah.In Kafr Qaddum, the villagers began weekly protests last month. On Friday’s demonstration, three resident of the village were injured by direct hits of tear gas canisters. One of those injured was arrested whilst being treated by medics.

The firing of tear gas canisters directly at protesters contravenes international law, which states that tear gas canisters must be fired in a upwards arc, and never directly at persons.

In al-Ma’sara, local protest organizer, Mahmoud Alaaeddin, was arrested whilst returning home from the demonstration. The Popular Committee in the village reported that the protest took place without injury and in a peaceful manner, and that the protest ended when Alaaeddin was arrested.

In Bil’in, near Ramallah, where weekly protests have been carried out for over six years, one injury was reported, when a Brazilian activist was evacuated from the scene of the protest following tear gas inhalation.

In the village of Ni’lin, also near Ramallah, the Popular Committee reported that the Israeli military fired tear gas canisters directly at protestors as they marched in the direction of the wall that separates villages from their land. The firing of live ammunition was also reported, but no injuries were.

Finally, in an-Nabi Saleh, more than ten people were injured, with two requiring hospitalisation. Again, the Israeli military fired tear gas canisters into the crowd of protesters, and also struck an unnamed child in the torso with a rubber coated steel bullet, and local organizer Abu Hussam Tamimi in the face, resulting in a hairline fracture, loss of blood and shock.

Local journalist Bilal Tamimi was arrested by the military during his coverage of the protest.