Head of the Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya, visited the Turkish Parliament on Tuesday, and held a meeting with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who affirmed the Turkish support to the Palestinian cause.Haniyya also met with representatives of several Turkish factions, including Islamic and leftist groups, and informed them on the situation in Gaza and the suffering of its people who face constant Israel attacks, and the ongoing blockade.

He also stated that Jerusalem is facing serious threats due to the illegal Israeli policies of home demolitions, and the ongoing settlement construction and expansion activities, in addition to attacks against holy sites.

Haniyya added that the Israeli Annexation Wall in the West Bank is directly impacting the Palestinians and isolating them from their own lands.

He said that part of the Palestinian suffering is the International Community’s refusal to recognize the legitimate elections that brought Hamas to power, and the embargo on the elected government.

As for the war on Gaza, Haniyya said that the people are still suffering as construction projects, promised by several countries, were not implemented due to the siege.

Different Turkish officials, and representatives of a number of factions in the country, said that Turkey will always support the Palestinian cause and the Palestinians people until they achieve their liberation and independence.