Palestinian medical sources reported on Sunday that Hanin Kamal Abu Jalala, 16 years old, died of wounds suffered during the Israeli offensive on Gaza three years ago. The child was severely wounded by phosphorous shells fired by the Israeli army into civilian areas in Gaza.Abu Jalala lived with her family in al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza Strip. Her injury also resulted in lung fibrosis.

She was hospitalized at the Hadassah Israeli hospital, and fell into coma nearly twelve days ago after undergoing surgery.

Her father, Kamal Abu Jalala, told the Safa News Agency in the Gaza Strip that the administration at the Hadassah hospital is responsible for his daughter’s health, and added that the administration is refusing to grant him a photocopy of her medical file.

Her body will be moved from Hadassah to the Al Maqassed Islamic Hospital in East Jerusalem, before she is moved back to the Gaza Strip.

During the three-week war on Gaza, starting December 27, 2008, Israeli troops bombarded civilian areas and used phosphorous shells in direct violation of International law.

1,419 Palestinians were killed during the war, and thousands were injured; dozens have now died of their wounds.

The majority of the casualties were civilians, including infants, children, women and elderly, medics and journalists.

The army also bombarded infrastructure, medical facilities, educational facilities, UNRWA facilities and civilian homes and structures.