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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday January 31st, 2012.

The army makes a local incursion into Aida refugee camp, and a Hunger Striking Palestinian prisoner states he will no longer even drink fluids, these stories and more, coming up, so stay tuned.

Sa’ad Khalil of the Palestinian-Iraqi Brotherhood Society stated that the Iraqi security forces killed a Palestinian detainee who was undergoing questioning at an interrogation center in Baghdad.

The Palestinian, Imad Abu Rabee’, 30, was taken prisoner by the Iraqi Police as he left his home heading to work. Palestinians in Iraq have been under ongoing assaults, while dozens have been kidnapped and killed, since 2003, following the American-led coalition invasion of Iraq.

Several armed groups have attacked, kidnapped, and killed Palestinian refugees in Iraq for allegedly “siding by the former regime of Saddam Hussein.’

More news on the peace process, sees media spokesperson of the Fateh movement, Osama Al-Qawasmi, stating that the Fateh movement and the Palestinian leadership has a unified position regarding the rejecting of the peace talks with Israel, before Tel Aviv recognizes International Law and the two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.

He added that Israel must declare a complete halt to all of its settlement activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the capital of a future Palestinian State.

In other news, Israeli soldiers invaded the eastern area of the Al-Maghazi refugee camp late on Monday night in the central Gaza Strip, and arrested two residents east of Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

One of the residents have been identified as Ahmad Hussein Aathra, aged 19, who is a member of the National Security Forces in Gaza, and the son of the advisor of the Gaza-based Minister of Interior. Hajjaj As-Soufi, 17, was also arrested alongside.

Palestinian detainee, Adnan Khader, head of the Islamic Jihad Movement in the West Bank, declared he will be stepping-up his hunger strike that started on December 18, by refraining from drinking any sort of liquids, after he was not allowed to see his lawyer.

His lawyer stated that the situation of Khader is gradually and dangerously deteriorating, and that the Israeli Prisoner Administration informed her that it will be obliged to administer liquids even if he refuses. He is currently being held without charges, with the prosecution demanding that he be remanded under administrative detention. The court ruling has been pushed back until Wednesday.

In more local news, the Israeli army made a late night incursion to Aida refugee camp, just west of Bethlehem, and searched numerous homes. They military appeared to be searching for somebody, but no arrests or injuries were reported. The soldiers did hand out several notices to Aida residents, instructing them to attend the military investigation centre in A’suon at various times today.

That’s all for today from the IMEMC News, this was the Tuesday January 31st daily roundup of news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We hope you will join us again tomorrow. This has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and me, William Gibson.