An Israeli court sentenced an Israeli police officer on Tuesday to only eight months imprisionment for killing a detained and handcuffed Palestinian in Tel Aviv on September 14 2010.The officer was among a number of policemen who arrested a Palestinian youth, identified as Hazem Abu ad-Dab’aat, 23 years old, before he fired the fatal round. Ad-Dab’aat is from ath-Thoury neighborhood, south of the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

The officer claimed that his weapon was accidentally discharged during the arrest while an eyewitness said that the policeman was cursing at the man before he shot him, Wattan TV reported.

The Israeli prosecution charged the officer with “negligence”, and reached a plea bargain with the defendant sentanced to eight months.

Following the shooting, the police claimed that the victim, and three other young men, were attempting to steal a car.

This family of ad-Dab’aat rejected the Israeli claims regarding the shooting, and said that their son was intentionally killed despite the fact that he had nothing to do with the alleged attempted robbery.