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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday 7 April 2012

Israel’s Supreme Court turned down an appeal to free two Palestinians from administrative detention without trial, techniques by the Israeli military to discredit peaceful demonstration shave come to light, and the Israeli authorities have opened the Karam Abu Salem Commercial Crossing to Gaza for goods and aid, these stories and more, coming up stay tuned.

Reuters reported this afternoon that Israel’s Supreme Court turned has down an appeal to free two Palestinians from administrative detention without trial who have been on hunger strike for nearly 70 days. But in its decision, released by the Justice Ministry, the court said security authorities should consider freeing them for medical reasons. Administrative detainees Bilal Diab, 27, from Jenin, and Thaer Halahla, 33, from Hebron are in a dangerous condition after refusing food since Feb. 29.

In a joint press release issued on May 6, 2012, by the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel they stated they are outraged by the blatant breach of medical ethics committed by the Israeli Prison Service in these most urgent cases and by the negligence of the Israeli High Court judges. Addameer and PHR-Israel are further dismayed that personnel in Assaf Harofeh Hospital, where Bilal is currently held, are placing obstacles to the PHR-Israel independent doctor in her attempts to ensure that her patient, Bilal, receives trusted care during this critical period. According to the Malta Declaration, “Physicians or other health care personnel may not apply undue pressure of any sort on the hunger striker to suspend the strike. Treatment or care of the hunger striker must not be conditional upon suspension of the hunger strike.”.

Disruptive methods used by the Israeli Military to discredit peaceful demonstrations came to light during the trial of MK Mohammad Barakeh who is accused of assaulting a border guard, When quizzed by defence attorney Orna Kohn as to their activities in demonstration, Israeli soldier “fighter 102 (an alias) confirmed that not only were they throwing stones but they threw them in the general direction of their own colleagues, the Israeli Military.

Many people have been predicting that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will call an early general election, one year before he is obliged to do so by law. In a keynote speech to the Likud Conference on Sunday, he made his strongest suggestion yet that this will indeed be the case. The actual date is still uncertain, but may well be 4 September.

And that’s all today from IMEMC News. This was the Monday 7 May daily roundup of news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and William Temple.