According to Wafa’ Abu Ghalma, the wife of detainee Ahed Abu Ghalma, her husband has been denied medical treatment or hospitalization by the Israeli prison authorities despite a serious deterioration in his condition after 27 days of indefinite hunger strike.Mrs. Abu Ghalma told reporters with the Palestine News Network that her husband, who is one of the prisoners in long-term solitary confinement, has suffered from a continuous headache and dizziness, and has begun to vomit blood.

In addition, Abu Ghalma has lost 11kg of his weight, which is significantly more than the hundreds of other hunger strikers who have been on strike as long as he has.

His lawyer visited Abu Ghalma on Monday and told prison authorities that his client was in need of hospitalization, but Israeli authorities refused to send him to the hospital, citing security reasons. The prison guards said they would give him an injection, but he would be forced to remain in solitary confinement.

Mrs. Abu Ghalma said that she considered the deliberate rejection of her husband’s hospitalization is tantamount to an assassination of her husband by the Israeli authorities. She called for urgent action to save his life.

The solitary confinement of Abu Ghalma and others is one of the items that hunger strikers are trying to have addressed.
