The Palestinian News Network has reported that the Finance Committee of the Knesset approved on Tuesday the allocation of NIS 44 million to support settlements in the West Bank, and agreed to cut NIS 17 million from support for settlement outposts.

Israeli Newspaper ‘Yedioth Ahronoth’ reported online on Tuesday evening that the Knesset had approved the financing of the budget for the Department of Settlements of the Jewish Agency. It said the approval process took place in the absence of representatives of the Israeli opposition.

“Meretz” party leader, Zahava Gal-On, who was absent from the vote, attacked the approval by saying that at a time when government’s budgets are decreasing in the service and social sectors, the settlers are able freely to extort millions of shekels from the Knesset.

She added that the extreme right acts as if the only task of the state is funding its missionary illusions outside the Green Line, and the price we pay for the subordination of the Netanyahu government to it is in education and health because the priorities of the government are wrong.