A number of fundamentalist Israeli settlers burnt, on Monday morning, Palestinian farmlands planed with wheat, east of Yatta city, near the southern West bank city of Hebron.Coordinator of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Yatta, Rateb al-Jabour, reported that the burnt lands are located in Shu’ab al-Batem, and belong to resident Khaled Mousa an-Najjar.

The Maan News Agency reported that, in 2002, al-Jabour was shot and seriously injured by settler fire and was hospitalized for three months.

He voiced an appeal to human rights groups to intervene and act of stopping the escalating attacks carried out by extremist settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories, including in occupied East Jerusalem.

In numerous and escalating attacks, settlers burnt Palestinian farmlands, orchards, cut and uprooted olive orchards in addition to flooding farmlands with waste-water.