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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday June 6 2012.

15 Palestinians were abducted from both the West Bank and Gaza Strip when Israeli forces invaded a number of villages and towns, in the meantime, the Israeli Knesset votes against the regulation bill, these stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

Local sources said that a resident of Jenin, Tariq ‘Aweis, was arrested after Israeli forces raided his home.

Five Palestinians were abducted from Khirbet Tana, east of Nablus, after the area was besieged by armed settlers for several hours, according to Ghassan Daghlas, in charge of settlement files at the PLO in the northern part of the West Bank.

Two Palestinians were detained in Nour Shams refugee camp and the village Thinnaba east of Tulkarem which Israeli forces stormed. Forces also broke into the homes of two Palestinian’s and confiscated a number of computers. Another Palestinian was attacked and left injured by Israeli forces.

In the meantime, three fishermen were detained in Gaza after Israeli navy boats intercepted their fishing boat. The three men were moved to an unknown location.

Israeli forces stormed into Wad al-Herya as well as the area south of Hebron city. Israeli forces then searched many houses in those areas.

The Israeli forces also set up barriers at the entrance of Al-Fawwar Refugee Camp as well as al-Thahereya town south of Hebron. Vehicles were stopped and searched.

Settlers of the Susia settlement in east Yatta, North of Hebron, backed by Israeli soldiers, prevented Palestinian families from reaching their agricultural lands, claiming that the it was an Israeli military area.

Ratib Al-Jabour, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in southern Hebron, said that this incident was an attempt to push the Palestinians off the land in order to expand the settlement, despite a court ruling which affirmed the right of the farmers to farm their land.

The Israeli Knesset voted against the proposed ‘Regulation Bill’ on Wednesday. The bill would have legalized illegal settlements in the West Bank.

The bill was intended to avoid the implementation of a ruling made by Israel’s High Court that ruled in favor in evicting five homes illegally built in Ulpana outpost.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had threatened to fire any ministers or deputy ministers who voted for the bill.

It should be noted that the Israeli Supreme Court’s ruling means that the homes in the Ulpana outpost must be evicted by the beginning of next month.

That’s all from IMEMC News. This was the Wednesday June 6 daily roundup of news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and me Sarah Snobar