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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday June 7th 2012.

A Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike is at risk of dying, meanwhile Israeli settlers attack several communities in the West Bank, these stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

Israeli settlers attacked several Palestinian communities in the West Bank Settlers attacked Palestinian vehicles on Thursday morning in the south of Nablus and threw stones at the vehicles.

Ghassan Dughlus, head of settlement files in the north of the West Bank, said that settlers from Gilad settlement ambushed vehicles near the town of Huwwara and attacked the vehicles by throwing stones.

He pointed out that many settlers organize themselves in the south of the city to attack Palestinian residents and their vehicles.

In Al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem, eyewitnesses reported that settlers from the Elazar settlement uprooted and stole metal pillars and barbed wire that demarcated land boundaries of many farmers in the village.

Ahmad Salah, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Al-Khader, said that the land owners were surprised on Thursday morning when they realized their barbed wire and metal pillars were uprooted as it covered an area of around two and half acres.

Pamphlets found on the farmers lands belonged to the Israeli group Women in Green, which is led by the extremist Nadia Matar. This group attacks Palestinian property with the aim to push Palestinians off the land so settlers can seize it.

Furthermore, settlers of Ma’on and Havat Ma’on settlement, east of Yatta in the South of Hebron, attacked farmers on Thursday morning in the east of Yatta and forbade them from harvesting their wheat and barley.

Ratib al-Jabour, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in southern Hebron, said that the settlers, escorted by soldiers, attacked the farmers and shepherds and prevented them from harvesting their lands and replant what the settlers had destroyed a few days ago.

An independent doctor who visited football player, Mahmoud al-Sarsak, said on Wednesday that al-Sarsak is at risk of death and must be hospitalized immediately.

Al-Sarsak has been on hunger strike for 84 days and is being held at Ramla prison clinic. He had not been allowed an independent doctor visit till last Wednesday. Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHR-I) were finally able to send a doctor to visit al-Sarsak on Wednesday after petitioning an Israeli court for permission.

The doctor reported that the prisoner has been losing consciousness and suffers from memory lapses, and that he is at risk of pulse disruptions that would endanger his life.

Al-Sarsak has been imprisoned in Israel without trial for almost three years when he was part of a football team trying to cross the Beit Hanoun checkpoint at the northern Gaza Strip. He decided to remain on hunger strike despite of the deal reached between the prisoners and the Israeli prison authorities and he is demanding his immediate release.

That’s all from IMEMC News. This was the Thursday June 7th daily roundup of news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and me George Rishmawi