Independent Jewish Voices-Canada (IJV) today issued a response endorsing the recommendations of the United Church of Canada’s Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy (WGIP).
IJV Canada Endorses United Church Working Group Call to Boycott Settlement Products

Key WGIP recommendations IJV supports include:

(1) Non-violent actions to end the Israeli occupation, including economic boycott of products produced in the settlements, and consideration of divestment from companies profiting from or supporting the occupation;

(2) A just resolution to the plight of Palestinian refugees;

(3) Christians visiting occupied Palestine and ecumenical accompaniment programs.

Rabbi David Mivasair, an IJV spokesperson explained, “We are grateful to the United Church for undertaking this careful and principled review, and we endorse its thoughtful recommendations for ethical action to support justice for both Palestinians and Israelis.”

Rabbi Mivasair also called attention to the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs’ (CIJA’s) defamatory attack on the Report and its coercive campaign to defeat its passage at the United Church 41st General Council in August.

CIJA has threatened severe consequences if the United Church democratically votes to endorse the Report’s recommendations.

“Contrary to its posturing, CIJA does not represent the broad spectrum of opinion of Canadian Jewry but only a very narrow band within that spectrum,” Rabbi Mivasair explained. “It is a political advocacy organization focused on serving the Netanyahu-Lieberman agenda. CIJA has mobilized massive financial resources to create the image of credence, but has never attempted to determine whether its hard line views are, in fact, supported by Canadian Jewry.

Howard Davidson also of IJV, continued: “When we learned that CIJA plans to send its 18 page defamatory attack on the WGIP report to United Church Presbyteries and GC41 Commissioners all across Canada, we felt we had to stand in support of the United Church’s right to determine their own policies, free from CIJA’s coercion.”

— Independent Jewish Voices-Canada (IJV) is a national organization of Jews committed to a just resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict based on international law and respect for the human rights of all people. IJV has chapters in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Victoria.