Palestinian medical sources reported Thursday that the army fired a number of shells into al-Kurd Hill, located between al-Qarara town, near the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis, and Dir al-Balah city, in central Gaza.The Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) reported that one of the wounded residents suffered moderate injuries and was moved to the al-Aqsa Hospital in Dir al-Balah. Medics could not reach the second wounded resident, until the time of this report, as the army continued to fire into the area.

The incident took place after a number of tanks and armored vehicles, based at the Kissufim military base on the border east of al-Qarara, advanced several hundred meters into the town and fired several tanks shells and rounds of live ammunition.

The army repeatedly attacks Palestinian farmers in their lands close to the border fence, and also carries out repeated invasions that include bulldozing lands near the border.

The Israeli Navy also carries out attacks against Palestinian fishermen in Palestinian territorial waters; property damage and dozens of casualties were reported, while several fishermen were kidnapped.

On Wednesday, 13 June 2012, the Israeli Navy attacked Oliva Boat, which monitors the situation off the Gaza coast, and held a fishing boat in Rafah waters in the southern Gaza Strip with 2 fishermen on board.

The navy released the international boat after attacking its crew with water hoses in an attempt to sink it. They also released the 2 fishermen after several hours of detention at the Ashdod Harbor inside Israel, but confiscated their fishing boat.

Oliva boat started its work on 20 April 2011, under the umbrella of the Spanish Civil Peace Service; It carried out the first monitoring mission in the Gaza Strip on 8 June 2011.

The project is aimed at monitoring and documenting Israeli attacks against Palestinian fishermen while fishing, which constitutes a violation of international law and amounts to possible war crimes.