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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Medica Center,, for Tuesday, June 19th, 2012.

Two children found dead in the rubble in the Gaza Strip, meanwhile settlers burnt a mosque in the West Bank, these stories and more, comping up, stay tuned.

Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported Tuesday that medics and rescue teams located the bodies of two children under the rubble of a building that came under Israeli fire and shells, east of al-Maghazi refugee camp, in central Gaza.

The sources said that medics and rescue teams searched for the two children, near the border, for two hours before locating their bodies under the rubble.

The two children were identified as Mohammad Abu M’eleq, and Youssef at-Tilnaby; both 16 years old. The two were hit by multiple rounds of heavy live ammunition to various parts of their bodies.

The Israeli army claims that it spotted, what it called, a group of Palestinians trying to infiltrate into the nearby Kissufim Israeli military base.

The latest Israeli military escalation brings the death toll to six in the last 24 hours; dozens of residents were wounded, some seriously.

A number of extremist Israeli settlers burnt, on Tuesday at dawn, a local mosque in Jaba’ Palestinian village, in occupied East Jerusalem, and defaced some of its walls.

Local sources reported that the settlers wrote racist graffiti on some of the walls of the mosque, including the “Price Tag” graffiti that they frequently use when attacking and burning Palestinian mosques, and property.

Settler violence is increasing dramatically, especially after Israeli Knesset did not approve the regulation plan through which Israeli government was hoping to maintain and authorize a number of existing settlement outposts in the West Bank.

On Monday night, the Israeli military has detained, five Palestinians from various locations in the West Bank and several buildings were demolished in Bethlehem.

During incursions into Qabatiya, near Jenin, and Qalqilia, in the north of the West Bank, four Palestinians were detained.

Furthermore, one resident was detained from the Deheishe Refugee Camp, in Bethlehem, leading to clashes between the Israeli military and residents of the camp.

In addition to these pre-dawn incursions, the Israeli military demolished several buildings, used for domestic purposes in Bethlehem.

The army carries out ongoing invasions and arrests in several parts of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

That’s all from IMEMC News. This was the Tuesday June 19th daily roundup of news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and me George Rishmawi