On Wednesday at dawn Israeli soldiers invaded several areas in the occupied West Bank, broke into and searched dozens of homes, and kidnapped and detained several residents.Media sources in Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank, reported that the army invaded the nearby towns of Kufr Ra’ey, Sielet Al-Harithiyya and Al-Yamoun, kidnapped two residents, and interrogated several others.

The sources stated that residents Mohammad Jamil Tahaiyna, 22, and Mohammad Barakat Zyoud, 20, were kidnaped and interrogated at a nearby military base for several hours before they were released later on.

In Al-Yamoun, the army broke into the home of former political prisoner Ibrahim Taher Nawahda, and interrogated him for several hours.

Resident Abdul-Rahim Mahmoud Sbeih, 22, from Kufr Ra’ey, was also kidnapped at a roadblock near Be’er Al-Basha village, south of Jenin.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, the army kidnapped Romel Asafra, after breaking into his home in Beit Kahel, north of Hebron. Asafra, a student of the Hebron University, is one of dozens of students holding, at the university campus, a protest against political arrests.

Local sources reported that Asafra received a phone call from an Israeli security officer, who told him that he needs to hand himself in to the military within three hours; but the army invaded his home shortly after the call was made and kidnapped him.

The soldiers also handed military orders to the father of Asafra and his brothers, informing them that they need to head to the nearest military base for questioning.

Resident Wisam Asafra was also kidnapped after the army broke into his home, and was taken to an unknown destination.

Also, Israeli military sources reported that the army kidnapped three residents in Hebron, on Wednesday at dawn, and claimed that the soldiers found empty shells of Kalashnikov bullets in the vicinity of the home of one of the kidnapped residents.

Also in Hebron, soldiers kidnapped two children, identified as Hamza Mousa Jibreel and Ahmad Yusef Sabah; the two were kidnapped after the army broke into their families’ homes, earlier on Wednesday at dawn, and searched them.

The Wednesday invasions and arrests are part of ongoing Israeli attacks and invasions targeting different parts of the occupied territories.