President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday that the Palestinian Authority insists on going to the UN seeking UN bid for international recognition of a Palestinian state under occupation.Abbas said in a ceremony at an-Najah National university in Nablus that the PA is willing to take this step regardless of conflicts with other interests. 

“Even if this step conflicts with other parties’ interests, we will not step back,” Abbas said.

The Palestinian President added, “Israel neither halted settlement activities, nor recognized the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967 as occupied territory. Thus, the only choice we have is to go to the UN equipped with a united Arab stance.’ 

The PA has submitted a request to the UN in Swptember of last year to accept Palestine as a member state, a resolutinthat has o be approved by the UN Security Council.  Until this moment the UN did not approve or reject the Palestnian statehood bid.

Abbas also denounced the attack on Egyptian soldiers in Sinai Sunday evening. “This was a crime which we condemn. I phoned Presiden Mursi to offer condolences and we decided to lower flags to half-mast for one day in honor of the Egyptian martyrs. Egypt has done a lot to the Palestinian cause for tens of years.”