Over one hundred international peace and human rights activists, who are planning to visit the occupied Palestinian territories, are scheduled to arrive at the Allenby Bridge Sunday afternoon.The activists, mostly Europeans, are planning to tell Israeli security that they want to come to Palestine as part of the Welcome to Palestine campaign.

Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, a spokesperson of the campaign told IMEMC ‘It is not clear yet, whether Israel will allow them in or not.’. In previous attempts, in July 2011 and again in April 2012, Israel prevented activists who said they are coming to Palestine from entering the country, and forced airline companies to cancel the reservation of around 1200 activists.

The activists of Welcome to Palestine campaign are hoping to visit with the Palestinians and accompany students on their first day to school.  In a press release issued by the campaign organizers, they stated that one of the main purposes of the visit is to bring school stationary to students as an act of solidarity.

Over fifteen Palestinian civil society organizations and groups and political parties sent invitations to the visitors to come and visit them in Palestine.

Israel claimed last April that activist should come through Allenby bridge if they want to visit the Palestinian territories, instead of coming through Tel Aviv airport.

The degelates spent three days visiting Palestinians in refugee camps in Jordan. They will also visit the Jordanian trade unionists today before heading to the Allenby Bridge border crossing.