Palestinian medical sources reported Monday that five residents were treated for the effects of tear-gas inhalation during clashes that took place near the Qalanida terminal, separating between occupied Jerusalem and the central West Bank city of Ramallah.Medical sources reported that the wounded residents were treated, by field medics, for the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The clashed erupted as dozens of residents marched in commemoration of the Sabra and Shatella massacres that took place in the two refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982.

The army fired dozens of gas bombs at the protesters who responded by throwing stones and empty bottles at the soldiers. The clashes led to the closure of the road leading to the Qalandia terminal for several hours.

In related news, Israeli soldiers stationed at the Atara roadblock, kidnapped one Palestinian youth, and detained four other young men and one young woman.

The incident took place when the soldiers stopped a Palestinian Taxi and inspected the ID cards of the residents.

The three-day massacre of Sabra and Shatella took place starting on September 16, 1982, when Lebanese Phalanga Militias and the Army of Southern Lebanon, both collaborating with the Israeli army, invaded the camp while Israeli soldiers, invading Lebanon, surrounded it.

The Israeli army was under the leadership of the then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon; infants, children, women and men were massacred in the two camps.

The events that led to the massacres started after the Israeli army heavily bombarded Lebanon, and on September 1, 1982, Israeli tanks and soldiers invaded Lebanon with the declared aim of eliminating the fighters and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and to force the PLO out of Lebanon.

More than 3000 persons were slaughtered in the two refugee camps while the Sharon-led Israeli army, and its ally, the Army of Southern Lebanon surrounded the camps and fired flares into the air, giving the armed militias the needed time to commit the ugly massacre mainly using white weapons to slaughter men, women, elderly and children.

Three days after the massacre, the media and rescue teams were allowed through to find more than 3000 Palestinians dismembered, murdered, and beheaded.