Palestinian medical sources reported that the body of a 16-year old Palestinian youth was found near Beit Arieh, an illegal Israeli settlement built on Palestinian lands that belong to residents of Aboud village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.Initial reports indicated that Ashraf Ali Al-Ali, 16, was killed on Sunday evening near the settlement, and that the cause of death is a sharp blow to the head likely caused by a hit-and-run accident.

His body was first found by two Palestinian youths from Al-Lubban Al-Ghrabiyya village; they alerted security officers of Beit Arieh settlements who sent an ambulance.

Medics tried to give Al-Ali the needed medical attention but he died of his wounds, and his body was moved to the settlement. His family was alerted and was allowed into the settlement.

The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank initiated contacts with the Israeli side in order to receive the body to conduct the needed autopsy to determine the cause of death.

The slain youth is a Bedouin living with his family and tribe near Aboud village. Further information is not yet available due to the fact that the body is still with the Israeli side.