Five Palestinians were killed, Tuesday, as the Syrian army bombarded the Dir’a refugee camp, in Syria, during clashes between the army and members of the opposition in the country. Several refugees were injured, some seriously. The five slain Palestinians were identified as Hassan Ta’aany, Mahmoud Khalifa, Mohamamd Freij, Wael Abu Al-Ajar, and Abdullah Al-Masry.

The Palestinian Information Center reported that the refugee camp was heavily bombarded during the clashes, and that several homes were damaged and burnt in the eastern area of the camp.

On Wednesday, September 26, six Palestinians were killed in the Syrian capital Damascus and the city of Aleppo. The six were killed execution style; four of them were reportedly killed at a roadblock near Aleppo, while two were killed in their homes.

Hundreds of Palestinian casualties have been reported since the revolution started in Syria in March of 2011.