Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior Palestinian official stated that, during their September 23rd and 24th meetings in New York, representatives of Donor Countries did not express any interest in funding the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank despite its sharp financial crisis.The official said that donor countries, including Arab states, did not express any interest in supporting the P.A, and added that the meetings did not lead to any promises to provide funding to the P.A, an issue that would lead to an even bigger crisis.

“We did not hear any promises of any funding”, the official stated, “The Europeans even said that they paid enough and cannot continue to pay, and the Arabs did not show any interest”.

The official added that the U.S. Administration even froze the transfer of $450 Million that were originally allocated to Egypt.

“The upcoming elections in the United States are affecting its international polices, the U.S. administration is also trying to avoid issues that would put it in conflict with the Congress”, he said, “We do not even expect the crisis to be resolved after the American elections are concluded, Arab and International embargo against the P.A is likely to continue due to differences regarding the Palestinian application for a nonmember state at the United Nations, the U.S. is strongly against the move”.

As for options regarding resolving the issue, the official said that the P.A. does not have any options except “reconsidering its internal revenues and resources”. This likely means more increase in prices and cutting off several social services despite protests held by the Palestinians against sharp increase of living costs and high fuel prices.

It is worth mentioning that, during the meeting of donor countries, Palestinian Finance Minister, Nabil Qassis, presented on September 24, a detailed report showing the crisis the P.A is facing and the accumulated debts resulting from the lack of funding and Israel’s refusal to regularly transfer tax money it collects on behalf of the P.A on border terminals in the West Bank.

Qassis warned that the current crisis is threatening the efforts conducted by the P.A to establish an independent Palestinian State, and added that donor countries previously promised to transfer $300 Million to help the P.A, but the money was never transferred.