Palestinian sources reported the health condition of isolated detainee, Engineer Dirar Abu Sisi, 43, has sharply deteriorated at the Asqalan (Ashkelon) Israel prison, and added that he currently suffers from anemia but is not receiving the urgently needed medical treatment. Lawyer Kareem Ajwa reported that he visited Abu Sisi on Thursday, and stated that Sisi was dizzy and suffering from pain sharp pain in his left eye, both ears, and is hard of hearing in both ears.

Ajwa added that Abu Sisi was examined at the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, and was officially diagnosed as having anemia, but was not provided with any medications, or course of treatment.

It is worth mentioning that an Israeli court refused to remove Sisi from solitary confinement, ordered him to remain in solitary confinement until October 11, and will likely renew the order against him soon.

He called on International Human Rights groups and legal organizations, in addition to Egypt, the official sponsor of the detainees’ agreement with Israel that ended an open-ended hunger strike conducted by more than 3000 detainees, to intervene and secure the release of Abu Sisi.

Ajwa further stated that the Prison Administration is deliberately moving Sisi from one cell to another in order to ensure he does not rest, or get enough sleep.

Abu Sisi, 42, is from the Gaza Strip; Israel kidnapped him in Romania on February 19, 2011; he is a married father of six children. He has a PHD in Electrical Engineering.

In February 2011, Abu Sisi traveled to Ukraine, his wife Veronika’s native country, to seek citizenship after Operation Cast Lead, Israel’s winter 2008-09 attack on the Gaza Strip, made him fear for the safety of their six children.

On 18 February, he boarded an overnight train from Kharkiv to Kiev, hoping to meet his brother Yousef, a resident of the Netherlands, for the first time in 15 years.

But he never reached Kiev. During the night, three men, two of them wearing Ukrainian military uniforms, boarded his compartment, flashed a badge from the Security Service of Ukraine, and kidnapped him. At around 1am, they forced him off the train.

An Israeli court’s gag order and tight security controls prevented neither Abu Sisi nor his attorney from sharing the details of his abduction.

Gaza engineer kidnapped from Ukraine goes on hunger strike over solitary confinement

Saturday September 15, 2012 22:24 – by Joe Catron – The Electronic Intifada