Israeli soldiers demolished, Tuesday, a Palestinian home and a shed in Beit Hanina, in occupied East Jerusalem, the Quds Media Center reported.The owner of the destroyed property, Sufian Taha, stated that employees of the Jerusalem Municipality claimed that the property was originally the property of a Palestinian from the occupied West Bank, therefore, according to Israel, “the property is considered to be absentee property”, and will be confiscated by Israel under the so-called “Absentee Property Law”.

Taha stated that he purchased the property from a Palestinian woman living in Beit Hanina, but is registered as a resident of the West Bank. The property was officially purchased in 1998, and the home and the shed were built in 2000.

He added that the army demolished the property despite the fact that an Israeli court ordered the eviction of the property and not its demolition, the Quds media center added.

In related news, Israeli soldiers and employees of the so-called Civil Administration Office, that runs under the Israeli Military in the occupied West Bank, handed demolition orders to a number of citizens in Beit Ola village, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

The Popular Committee Against the Wall issued a press release stating that the army intends to demolish three water wells and tanks that are used by the residents for irrigation and domestic use.

The Committee slammed the escalating attacks and violations against Palestinian villagers living, or owning lands, close to Israel’s illegal settlements and its illegal Annexation Wall.

The Committee called on the international community and human rights groups to intervene and stop the illegal Israeli violations and assaults.