Talking from Gaza, the Prince of Qatar, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, stated that the Palestinians need to end all internal divisions and achieve comprehensive unity, adding that the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Gaza, living under constant Israeli attacks and siege, helped launch the Arab Spring.Speaking at the Islamic University in Gaza, Al-Thani stated that the Palestinians need to implement the Unity Agreement signed in Doha-Qatar and Cairo-Egypt, adding that internal unrest is more harmful than the Israeli escalation.

He also said that “the wind of change is blowing in the Arab World”, and that this might have marginalized political and media attention to the Palestinian cause, an issue, according to Hamad, “that requires the Palestinians to unite”.

The Qatari Prince further stated that the Palestinians have been facing historic injustice, and are still suffering from a sharp humanitarian crisis “that the International Community has not been able to resolve it”.

“The Palestinian cause remains the bleeding wound in the Arab body”, he added, “Gaza remains steadfast, this steadfastness is a source of pride to the entire Arab world”.

He said that all Arab and Islamic nations must stand with the Palestinians people, and must strongly support their cause, adding that the reconstruction of Gaza must be a priority as stated in different Arab resolutions, and resolutions made by several western countries.

Al-Thani thanked Egypt for its important role in the region, especially its role in supporting the Palestinian cause.