Palestinian political sources stated that Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, declined a request made by U.S. President re-elect Barack Obama, asking him to refrain from heading to the United Nations this month to asking for upgrading the Palestinian status to an observer state, the Palestine News Network (PNN) reported.Abbas told Obama that the Palestinian Authority is determined to submit the application, and informed him that this decision is final.

Palestinian Presidency Spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rodeina stated that Abbas informed Obama of the reasons behinds this decision, and told him that heading to the UN is an outcome of Israel’s ongoing attacks against the Palestinians and their property, and Israel’s ongoing illegal settlement activities.

On his part, Obama reaffirmed Washington’s stance against heading to the United Nations.

During a Sunday speech at a massive event marking the eighth anniversary of the death of the late president, Yasser Arafat, Abbas stated that the Palestinians are determined to head to the UN this month, adding that the exact date will be determined by the Arab League in the coming few days.

The Palestinian President said that the Palestinian Authority is facing extensive pressures by different countries topped by the United States in order to void its plan to head to the UN, and added that the sanctions the P.A. will be facing will be very harsh, yet, he said that the Palestinians are trying to achieve their right to statehood, and are willing to face the consequences.