Despite talks about truce and mediation, Israeli soldiers continued to bombard Gaza, Tuesday, and killed 21 Palestinians in different parts of the coastal region, while dozens of civilians have been injured. At Least 137 Palestinians, mainly children and civilians, have been killed since last Wednesday, while more than 950 have been injured. Medical sources reported that Ahmad Abed Abu Mor, and his brother Khaled, were killed when the army bombarded Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The attack happened shortly after the army killed Mohammad Abu Aisha, head of all-Quds Educational Radio. Resident Hasan Yousef died of wounds suffered earlier in an Israeli bombardment targeting DIr al-Balah.

Two residents were immediately killed in the attack; they were identified as Salem Ayesh Abu Sitta, and his brother Mohammad.

Two Palestinian journalists, working for the al-Aqsa Satellite TV, were killed earlier when the army fired a missile at their vehicle, west of Gaza City; two residents were injured in the attack.

Two children were also killed, and three were injured, when the army bombarded Kashko Street in Gaza. Another resident was killed in Beit Hanoun.

At least 950 Palestinians have been injured since the Israeli offensive on Gaza started last Wednesday, the vast majority of the victims are civilians, including infants, children, women and elderly,

1- Ahmad Al-Ja’bary, 52 years old.
2- Mohammed Al-hams, 28 years old.
3- Rinan Arafat, 7 years old.
4- Omar Al-Mashharawi, 11 months old.
5- Essam Abu-Alma’za, 20 years old.
6- Mohammed Al-Qaseer, 20 years old.
7- Heba Al-Mashharawi, 6-month pregnant, 19 years old.
8- Mahmoud Abu Sawawin, 65 years old.
9- Habis Hassan Mismih, 29 years old.
10- Wael Haidar Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
11- Hehsam Mohammed Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
12- Rani Hammad, 29 years old.
13- Khaled Abu Nasser, 27 year old.
14- Marwan Abu Al-Qumsan, 52 years old.
15- Walid Al-Abalda, 2 years old.
16- Hanin Tafesh, 10 months old.
17- Oday Jamal Nasser, 16 years old.
18- Fares Al-Basyouni, 11 years old.
19- Mohammed Sa’d Allah, 4 years old.
20- Ayman Abu Warda, 22 years old.
21- Tahrir Suliman, 20 years old.
22- Ismael Qandil, 24 years old.
23- Younis Kamal Tafesh, 55 years old.
24- Mohammed Talal Suliman, 28 years old.
25- Amjad Mohammed Abu-Jalal, 32 years old
26- Ziad Farhan Abu-Jalal, 23 years old.
27- Ayman Mohammed Abu Jalal, 44 years old.
28- Hassan Salem Al-Heemla’, 27 years old.
29- Khaled Khalil Al-Shaer, 24 years old.
30- Ayman Rafeeq Saleem, 26 years old.
31- Ahmad Abu Musamih, 32 years old.
32- Osama Abdeljawad
33- Ashraf Darwish
34- Ali Al-Mana’ma
35`- Mukhlis Edwan
36- Mohammed Al-Loulhy, 24 years old.
37- Ahmad Al-Atrush
38- Abdul-Rahman Al-Masri
39- Awad Al-Nahhal
40- Ali Hassan Iseed, 25 years old.
41- Mohammed Sabry Al’weedat, 25 years old.
42- Osama Yousif Al-Qadi, 26 years old.
43- Ahmad Ben Saeed, 42 years old.
44- Hani Bre’m, 31 years old.
45- Samaher Qdeih, 28 years old.
46- Tamer Al-Hamry, 26 years old.
47- Jumana Salamah Abu Sufian, 1 year old.
48- Tamer Salamah Abu Sufian, 3 years old.
49- Muhammad Abu Nuqira
50- Eyad Abu Khusa, 18 months old.
51- Tasneem Zuheir Al-Nahhal, 13 years old.
52- Ahmad Essam Al-Nahhal, 25 years old.
53- Nawal Abdul-‘Al, 52 years old.
54- Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, the father.
55- Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5 years old.
56- Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7 year old.
57- Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10 years old.
58- Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1 year old.
59- Jamal Al-Dalou, the grandfather.
60- Sulafa Al Dalou, 46 years old
61- Samah Al-Dalou, 25 years old
62- Tahani Al-Dalou, 50 years old
63- Amina Matar Al-Mzanner, 83 years old.
64- Abdullah Mohammed Al-Mzanner, 23.
65- Suheil Hamada
66- Mo’men Hamada
67- Atiyya Mubarak.
68- Hussam Abu Shaweesh.
69- Samy Al-Ghfeir, 22 years old.
70- Mohammed Bakr Al-Of, 24 years old.
71- Ahmad Abu Amra
72- Nabil Ahmad Abu Amra.
73- Hussein Jalal Nasser, 8 years old.
74- Jalal Nasr, 35.
75- Sabha Al-Hashash, 60 years old.
76- Saif Al-Deen Sadeq.
77- Ahmad Hussein Al-Agha.
78- Emad Abu Hamda, 30 years old.
79- Mohammed Jindiyya, 31.
80- Mohammed Iyad Abu Zour, 4 years old.
81- Nisma Abu Zour, 19 years old.
82- Ahed Al-Qattaty, 38 years old.
83- Al-Abd Mohammed Al-Attar.
84- Rana Ash-Shandi, 18 months.
85. Tamer Basheer.
86. Amin Basheer.
87. Salah Basheer.
88. Abdullah Harb Abu Khater (21)
89. Mahmoud Saeed Abu Khater (34)
90. Rashid ‘Alyan Abu ‘Amra (45)
91. Amin Zuhdi Bashir (40)
92. Tamer Rushdi Bashir (30)
93- Hussam Abdeljawad.
94- Ramadan Ahmad Mahmoud, 20 years old.
95- Mohammed Riyad Shamallakh, 23 years old.
96- A’ed Radi.
97- Ameer Al-Malahi
98- Ramez Harb
99- Salem Sweilem
100- Muhammed Ziyad Tbeil.
101- Arkan Abu Kmeil
102- Ibrahim Al-Hawajri
103- Khalil Shhada
104- Osama Shhada
106- Suhaib Fo’ad Hjazi, 2 years old.
107- Mohammed Fo’ad Hjazi, 3 years old.
108- Fo’ad khalil Hjazi
109- Mohammed Tawfeeq Al-Nassasra, 20 years old.
110-Ahmad Tawfeeq Al-Nassasra, 18 years old.
111- Ahmad Khaled Daghmash.
112- Bilal Al-Barrawi, 20.
113- Yahya Mohammad Awad, 15.
114- Mahmoud Az-Zahhar, in his thirties.
115- Abdul-Rahman Abu Hamza, 22.
115- Mohammad Bader, in his twenties.
116- Bilal Al-Barawi, 20.
117- Akram Ma’rouf.
118- Ahmad Doghmosh.
119- Sobhi Doghmosh.
120- Salah Doghmosh.
121- Ameen Al-Dod, 22.
122- Ahmad Abed Abu Mor.
123- Khaled Abed Abu Mor.
124- Salem Ayesh Abu Sitta.
125- Mohammad Ayesh Abu Sitta.
126- Ayman Rafiq Abu Rashid.
127- Saber Bulbul.
128- Tareq Hjeila.
129- Ziad Abu Al-Qaraya.
131- Mahmoud Al-Koomi.
132- Hussam Salama.
133- Mohammad Mousa Abu Aisha.
134- Hasan Yousef Al-Ostaz.
135- Mohammad Abu Sitta.
136- Salem Abu Sitta.
137- Abdul-Rahman Abu Hamad.

Updated From:

Twelve Killed In New Bombardment, 12 On Tuesday
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 17:38:19

Israeli soldiers bombarded, on Tuesday evening, several areas in the Gaza Strip killing twelve Palestinians, including two Palestinian children; the latest attack brings the number of Palestinians killed Monday to 12. At least 126 have been killed by Israeli shells since last Wednesday.

Two children were killed in Kashko Street in Gaza, and several others have been injured, medical sources reported.

One resident was killed by Israeli shells in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, three were injured.

On Tuesday evening, at least six Palestinians were killed and three were seriously wounded when the army fired missiles at two vehicles in As-Sabra Street, south of Gaza City.

The bodies of the slain residents have been severely mutilated, heads severed, three of them have been identified as Sobhi Daghmash, Salah Daghmash, and Ahmad Daghmash.

Three more Palestinians were killed and at least twenty were injured when the army bombarded the Ash-Shujaeyya neighborhood in Gaza.

So far, one of them has been identified as Ameen Al-Dod, 22. Efforts to identify the remaining residents are ongoing.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli TV reported that Islamic Jihad declared that ceasefire will take effect in three hours. Egypt is actively involved in the efforts to achieve a ceasefire.

Updated From
Seven Palestinians Killed In Gaza Monday, 117 Killed Since Wednesday
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:30:00

The Israeli army continued its military escalation against the Gaza Strip killing seven Palestinians since morning hours Tuesday, several residents have been injured. The Israeli bombardment on Gaza led, so far, to the death of 117 Palestinians while at least 900 have been injured.

Medical sources reported that resident Abdul-Rahman Abu Hamza, 22, was killed by Israeli missiles targeting a Security Building west of Gaza City.

Also, a resistance fighter, identified as Mohammad Bader, in his twenties, was killed in the bombing while several residents were injured.

Resident Ahmad Daghmash died at an Egyptian hospital due to serious injuries he suffered when the army bombarded a home in central Gaza. He was moved to an Egyptian Hospital and died of his serious injuries; six Palestinians were injured in the attack.

Furthermore, medical sources reported that resident Bilal Al-Barawi, 20, was killed in a bombing in northern Gaza. Earlier in the day, a 15-year old child was killed in northern Gaza; he was identified as Yahia Mohammad Awad.

Resident Mahmoud Zahar, in his thirties, was killed and his 3-year-old son was seriously injured when the army fired a shell that landed in front of their home, south of Gaza City.
A farmer, identified as Akram Ma’rouf was killed in his land after the army fired shells; four residents were injured.

Updated From

Palestinian Killed In Gaza; Seven Killed Tuesday, 115 Since Wednesday
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 13:06:39

One resident was killed and several others were injured when the army bombarded a street, north west of Gaza City. Another Palestinians was killed in northern Gaza. 115 Palestinians, mainly civilians and children, have been killed since Wednesday and more than 900 have been injured.

Medical sources reported that a fighter, identified as Abdul-Rahman Hamad, in his twenties, was killed when the army fired a missile at fighters in northern Gaza; one resident was injured.

One resident, identified as Mohammad Bader, was killed and six residents have been injured when the army bombarded a home in central Gaza.

The home was first hit by a missile fired by fighter jets, wounding four Palestinians, and was hit a second time before the residents managed to leave the property.

Medical sources stated that rescue teams had to pull several civilians from under the rubble of a bombarded home in Gaza City.

Earlier on Tuesday, the army bombarded a home in Al-Mighraba, south of Gaza, leading to the death of one resident identified as Mahmoud Az-Zahhar; his child Ahmad was injured.

Two more Palestinians, including a farmer, were injured in Beit Lahia; several residents were injured in northern Gaza as army continued to bombard different neighborhoods in Gaza.

Four residents, including two children were injured when the army bombarded An-Nusseirat refugee camp, and dozens of residents were injured in Jabalia, in northern Gaza, Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, Rafah and several areas in the coastal region.

Meanwhile, Israeli sources reported that a reserve soldier was injured by a Palestinian shell in Eshkol, and that dozens of shells were fired into areas in the south.

A missile reportedly hit a building in Be’er As-Sabe’; Israeli Ynet News reported that, earlier on Tuesday morning, that 18 shells were fired into Be’er As-Sabe’ causing damage to a building and some cars; just two missile were a hit while the rest landed and detonated in open areas.

Shells were also fired into the Israeli Negev time of Sderot, Ashdod, and Gan Yavne, the Ynet said.

The Ynet added that nine Israeli cabinet ministers met, on Monday at night, in order to discuss an Egyptian ceasefire proposal, and that the Israeli cabinet decided not to launch the ground offensive against Gaza but said Israel will invade Gaza should truce mediated talks fail.

At least 115 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army fired in the Gaza Strip since Wednesday, while more than 900 have been injured; the majority of the casualties are civilians, including children elderly and women.