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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesda y December 12th, 2012.

Israeli extremists attack a church in Jerusalem and the army levels a house in the West Bank. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

A number of extremist Israeli settlers wrote, on Wednesday at dawn, racist graffiti attacking Christianity and Jesus Christ on the walls of a monastery in occupied Jerusalem.

The graffiti written on the walls of the monastery included “Price Tag”, and several insults against Jesus Christ. The settlers also punctured the tires of three vehicles parked near the monastery.

The attack is part of numerous attacks targeting churches, mosques and even graveyards in different parts of occupied Palestine, including occupied Jerusalem. Back in October, Israeli extremists hurled stones, Molotov cocktails and trash at a Christian Church in occupied Jerusalem.

The attack came only a week after a similar attack that targeted the Franciscan monastery in occupied Jerusalem when extremist settlers wrote racist graffiti against Christians and Jesus Christ.

Also on Wednesday the Israeli military demolished a Palestinian owned house at the village of Beit Noba, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

Local sources said that soldiers invaded the village forced the family out and demolished it. Residents also said that those army bulldozers damaged the water line for nearby homes as well. The army gave no reason for demolishing the house today.

In other mews Israeli Foreign Minister of the extremist far-right ‘Israel Our Home Party’, Avigdor Lieberman, stated that should the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank head to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to sue Israeli for its decision to build 3000 settlement units, the move will be regarded by Israel as a “declaration of war on Tel Aviv”.

The new Israeli announced settlement construction will divide the West Bank into two sections and isolate Jerusalem ending any possible two states solution.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News; this was the Wednesday December 12th, news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Hussam Qassis and me, Ghassan Bannoura.