Since the first hours of the new year, Israeli settlers carried out numerous attacks against Palestinian property and lands in different parts of the occupied West Bank, and wrote racist graffiti.
Dozens of armed settlers invaded Qasra village, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, surrounded and broke into one home, cut and uprooted around 200 olive trees and saplings.

Eyewitnesses reported that the settlers surrounded the house of Abdul-Majid Hasan, and clashed with the family and with several residents who rushed to help them. Some settlers managed to break into the house causing excessive damage, the Palestine News & Info Agency (WAFA) reported.

The settlers also uprooted around 200 olive trees and saplings, and tried to uproot more trees but the residents noticed them and clashed with them; Israeli soldiers arrived at the scene and fired rounds of live ammunition at the residents.

The village was repeatedly attacked last year, especially over the past two months, while several villages in the Nablus districts have also been repeatedly targeted and attacked by Israeli settlers and soldiers.

The settlers also invaded Qaryout village, near Nablus, and violently attacked a resident identified as Hasan Yousef, 55, causing serious injuries.

Bashar Qaryouty, member of the Qaryout village council, told WAFA that the settlers attacked Yousef while he was heading to Qasra village, south of Nablus; Yousef was trying to join several Red Crescent medics who headed to Qasra nearby village to provide treatment for residents injured by Israeli settlers.

The settlers repeatedly struck Yousef on the head and chest leading to serious injuries; he was moved to the Rafidia hospital in Nablis; the car he was driving was also attacked and destroyed by the settlers.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, a number of settlers invaded Ithna town, north of the city, and burnt a tractor and a car, and wrote racist graffiti north of the town.

Mohammad Awad, media spokesperson of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, told the WAFA news agency that the settlers came from Etzion settlement, burnt a tractor that belongs to resident Soheil Mohammad Breigheeth, and wrote racist graffiti on the walls of a number of homes, including graffiti that says “Death to Arabs”, and “Price Tag”.

In Bethlehem, several settlers invaded on Tuesday that Solomon Pools area; a Palestinian security source stated that approximately 40 settlers came from the Efrat illegal settlement, invaded the historic Solomon Pools area, and prevented the residents from entering it, WAFA said.