An Egyptian security source reported Thursday that the heavy rainfall, that started several days ago, caused the collapse of a number of siege-busting tunnels in Rafah, across the border with Egypt.The Maan News Agency reported that the heavy rain flooded the siege-busting tunnels, and that the Egyptian security source stated that “most of the tunnels collapsed due to the rain, and the tunnels that did not collapse, are now completely flooded.”

The agency added that trucks that transport the “smuggled goods” on the Palestinian side of the border area could not operate due to the rain, and due to the fact that the tunnels that are still intact, could be dangerous and likely to collapse.

In related news, several armored Israeli military vehicles invaded, on Thursday morning, Palestinian lands in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The army, accompanied by two armored military bulldozers, advanced for a distance of around 200 meters into the area, and started uprooting agricultural lands; no clashes were reported.

At least 209 Palestinians have been killed in different tunnel incidents, while hundreds have been injured since 2006.

Palestinians in Gaza started digging tunnels after Israel enforced its deadly siege on the coastal region.

The siege has left hospitals and medical centers in the coastal region out of basic and specialized supplies and equipment, an issue that has led to the death of more than 400 patients, including children.