The Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil’in, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, reported that dozens of protesters were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation after the army attacked local, Israeli and international peace activists conducting the weekly nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall and Settlements.The protest started following Friday noon prayers at the village’s mosque; the protesters marched carrying Palestinian flags and chanting slogans calling for unity, the removal of the wall and calling for more solidarity with the Palestinian political prisoners.

As the protesters reached the Abu Lemon area, adjacent to the Annexation Wall, some of them managed to remove some sections of the barbed-wire fence, just before the concrete wall; Israeli soldiers then fired rubber-coated metal bullets and also sprayed the protesters with wastewater mixed with chemicals and fired gas bombs at them; dozens were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation.

Clashes took place between the soldiers and the residents as the army chased dozens of youths in an attempt to kidnap them.

Four international supporters were arrested and many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation when Israeli troops attacked the protesters in the nearby village of Nabi Saleh.

Soldiers stopped the protest at the village entrance, and fired tear gas and chemical water at protesters.

In the village of Kufur Qaddoum, near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, many villagers were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation when troops attacked the weekly anti wall protest at the village entrance.

At al Ma’sara village, near Bethlehem, Israeli troops stopped the weekly anti wall protest at the village entrance and forced the protesters back into the village using rifle butts and batons.