Wednesday morning, Palestinian media sources reported that Israeli soldiers fired several artillery shells into Palestinian lands, east of the central part of the Gaza Strip, no injuries were reported.Eyewitnesses reported that the army fired at least three shells into a land east of the Al-Maghazi and the Al-Boreij refugee camps in central Gaza.

Although no physical injuries were reported, several farmers and residents, including children, suffered panic attacks, and fled the area fearing addition bombing.

On Tuesday morning, the army advanced dozens of meters into the Bouret Abu Samra area, north of Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

On Monday evening, a Palestinian farmer died of serious injuries he suffered at noon after Israeli soldiers opened fire at him as he worked on his land in Beit Lahia.

Israel does not allow the Palestinians in Gaza to reach their lands near the border fence in Gaza under the pretext of “security considerations” as part of the so-called “buffer zone” Israel enforced in border areas with Gaza.

This issue is preventing hundreds of families from planting their lands near the border, farmers who managed to enter their lands are always subject to life-threatening conditions due to Israeli military fire.