Sunday morning January 20 – Israeli soldiers invaded the Bab Al-Karama village (Gate Of Dignity), that was installed by Palestinian activists on privately-owned Palestinian lands in Beit Iksa village, northwest of Jerusalem.In a press release, coordinator of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, Nabil Hababa, stated that Israeli soldiers invaded the area, and photographed the activists in the village.

Hababa added that the soldiers also photographed the mosque that was built from brick in the new village, and told the Palestinians that they are not allowed to build without “a construction permit from Israel.”

The activists said that this is village is on Palestinian lands, and that Israel, as a state that illegally occupies Palestine, has no legal or moral authority.

They added that they will remain in the new village, and voiced an appeal to the Palestinian people and international peace activists to head to Bab Al-Karama in order to protect it from the occupation.

Furthermore, Hababa called on local and international peace activists to come to Bab Al-Karama, adding that despite Israeli roadblocks and closure, the activists can still come to the village through the mountains.

He said that the Palestinians and their supporters reject the ongoing illegal Israeli occupation, and the illegal Israeli settlement construction and expansion activities in occupied Palestine, including in and around occupied East Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Bilal Gheith Kiswani, spokesperson of the activists in Bab Al-Karama, called on international peace activists to be continuously present in the village to prevent the army from demolishing it.

Kiswani stated that the residents are determined to remain in the village, and that they will remain steadfast despite the cold and despite their very limited resources. He also called on the media to be constantly present in the village to document the Israeli violations.

RelatedGate Of Dignity Was Built On Lands Of Beit Iksa North Of Jerusalem
Friday January 18, 2013 19:29