Thursday January 24; Israeli soldiers invaded several districts in the occupied West Bank, broke into and searched several homes, installed roadblocks, interrogated and kidnapped several residents. Soldier also Invaded an area east of Khan Younis, in the Gaza Strip, and uprooted farmlands.The Ahrar Center for Detainees Studies and Human Rights reported that the army invaded Awarta town, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus and kidnapped one resident identified as Samer Salim Sharab, 37.

The mother of Sharab stated that the soldiers surrounded their home one hour after midnight, and violently broke into it and searched it before kidnapping Samer.

Furthermore, soldiers invaded Snieria town, near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, and kidnapped Ahmad Sadeq Omar, 32, the brother of Ala’ who spent 10 years in Israeli prisons.

Earlier on Thursday at dawn, soldiers invaded Qabatia town, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, broke into and searched several homes after forcing the families out of their property.

Soldiers further invaded Arraba town, south of Jenin in the northern part of the West Bank, and interrogated several residents in its streets.

Local sources reported that the army invaded the Ath-Thaheriyya town, south of the southern West Bank district of Hebron, installed several roadblocks, and broke into homes before kidnapping one resident identified as Nabil Elias At-Til.

Soldiers also invaded several neighborhoods in Hebron city, and installed roadblocks at the entrances of the nearby towns of Sair, Halhoul, Beit Ummar, Yatta, and the Al-Fawwar refugee camp.

The army stopped and searched dozens of vehicles and interrogated the residents while inspecting their ID cards.

The soldiers also invaded a Bedouin area in the West Bank’s Northern Plains and demolished, for the third time in less than a week, several huts and tents used by local shepherds.

Dozens of similar attacks have been carried out by the army over the last few months against the northern plains area leading to the displacement of hundreds of shepherds.

Furthermore, several armored Israeli military vehicles and tanks invaded an agricultural area east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Local sources reported that three tanks and four armored military bulldozers advanced approximately 100 meters into the Al-Fakhary area, and uprooted farmlands; no clashes were reported.

On Wednesday evening, the army kidnapped one resident, identified as Bilal Bashar Daraghma, 19, as he was trying to cross the Al-Hamra roadblock while heading to the West Bank’s Northern Plains. Daraghma is from the central West Bank city of Tubas.