Friday January 25. 2013; The Friends Of Freedom And Justice Committee in Bil’in, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, reported that Israeli soldiers violently attacked the weekly nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall and Settlements in the village, leading to several injuries.The Committee said that Hamde Abu Rahma, 27, and Rateb Abu Rahma, 47, were shot in their legs by tear gas bombs fired by the army, and that dozens of protesters were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The Week’s protest was named “The Friday of Loyalty To Lubna Hanash”, a young Palestinian woman who was killed by the Israeli army, in front of her college, in Hebron on Wednesday.

Similar to previous weeks, the protest stated after Friday noon prayers at the local mosque in the center of the village, and the protesters, accompanied by Israeli and International peace activists, marched towards the Israeli Annexation Wall carrying Palestinian flags, chanting against the occupation, and calling for the release of all political prisoners held by Israel.

As the protesters reached the Abu Lemon area, adjacent to the Wall, some protesters managed to cut some of the barbed wire fence just before the concrete wall.

Soldiers, stationed behind the wall fired gas bombs, rubber-coated metal bullets and concussion grenades, and also sprayed the protesters with mater mixed with chemicals. Dozens of protesters were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The Israeli military attack led to violent clashes between dozens of local youths and the army lasting for several hours.

Also on Friday, several injuries were reported as the army attacked nonviolent protests against the Wall and settlements in Ni’lin and Nabi Saleh nearby villages, in addition to Kufur Qaddoum village near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, and in Al-Ma’sara village near Bethlehem.