Tuesday, January 29, 2013, the Israeli army denied the transport of construction materials and saplings into the village of Beit Iksa, north of occupied East Jerusalem.Head of the Beit Iksa village council, Kamal Hababa, stated that the army claimed that the youth in the village use the construction materials during protests against the annexation wall, settlements, and against the occupation.

Hababa said that the army imposed a strict siege on the village, starting two weeks ago, and is preventing the residents from entering or leaving it.

He added that, a week ago, the soldiers started preventing trucks from entering the village to college the garbage.
He called on the International Community and human rights groups to act fast to end the Israeli violations against the village and its inhabitants.

A month ago, the Israeli army decided to illegally confiscate 12000 Dunams of land from the villagers, leaving them with only 2000 Dunams.

The villagers started holding nonviolent protests against the Israeli Annexation Wall that surrounds the village, and against the ongoing Israeli military violations.