Palestinian Human Rights and Political activist Samer Jaber submitted a letter to the US Consul General in Jerusalem Michael Ratney during his visit to Bethlehem on Tuesday.In his letter, which IMEMC received a copy of, Jaber, representing a Solidarity Committee with Palestinian Prisoners in Israel, he demanded the United States of America to live up to its commitments to human rights principles as a ‘broker of the peace process.’

He specifically mentioned four Palestinian political prisoners who are at risk of dying, namely Jafar Azzidine, Tarek Qa’adan and Yousef Sha’ban Yassi and Samer Issawi.

Below is the full text of the letter.

Samer Jaber
Political And Human Rights Activists.
Solidarity Committee With Palestinian Prisoners in Israel

His Excellency Michael Ratney
Ambassador of United States of America

Dear Sir,

I would like to ask your country to stand by her commitment to human rights principles, and as a broker of the peace process to take essential steps to prevent the death of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, who have been on hunger strike for more than two months.

The Palestinian prisoners ask the Israeli authorities to stand by their words. The authorities agreed to release the hunger strikers by the end of their administrative detention term. However it retracted and extended the term of detention. The following started hunger strike on November 28, 2012 and their lives are in danger:

1- Jafar Azzidine
2- Tarek Qa’adan
3- Yousef Sha’ban Yassin

Samer Isawihas been on hunger strike for more than 180 days. Mr Isawiwas released from jail based on the agreement between Hamas and Israel (The Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange), however Israel re-detained him without giving any reason.

Putting the lives of Palestinian prisoners in jeopardy which could lead to their death would lead to further political instability in the Palestinian Territories and Israel, a situation which your country has worked hard to avoid. Your country’s intervention would be a goodwill step to improve the image of the USA among Palestinians since it would save the lives of those prisoners.

For further information about the Palestinian prisoners see: the link below.