The Al-Hayat Arabic Language Paper in London reported that France and Britain are preparing an initiative reportedly meant to ensure the resumption of direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
The Paper said that France and Britain are also trying to get the United States involved in the new initiative as its success depends on American support.

Diplomatic sources told Al-Hayat that the United States will likely resume its efforts to ensure the resumption of peace talks, an issue that would eventually lead to delaying the European initiative.

The sources added that the new American Secretary of State, John Kerry, is trying to host an international conference in the United States in order to resume the stalled and obstructed Palestinian-Israeli peace talks.
Kerry also intends to appoint a new American Envoy to the Middle East.

Israel claims that it is ready to resume the peace talks with the Palestinians “without preconditions”, and that it is interested in serious talks that would lead to an agreement.

The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) says that it is not placing preconditions to the resumption of direct peace talks, but cannot return to the negotiation table while Israeli continues its violations and attacks, and while it continues to confiscate Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank, and in occupied East Jerusalem, in order to build and expand its illegal settlements.

The P.A. said that its demands are not preconditions, as Israel should show it is serious in reaching a comprehensive peace agreement that would lead to a two-state solution.