Monday April 1, 2013, The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem, reported that a group of settlers attacked a Palestinian child in Ash-Sharaf neighborhood as he was heading to school, causing various injuries that required hospitalization.The center said that Sultan Al-Kiswani, 16, was walking from home to the Al-Rasheediyya school in Jerusalem when the settlers attacked him, and was moved to a local clinic before being moved to the Eye Hospital in Sheikh Jarrah.

The center added that settlers attacks witnessed a serious escalation especially on roads the Palestinians use to reach the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the markets of the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.

A few day ago, the settlers attack several Palestinian schoolgirls in Silwan as they were walking back home, and threw trash at them.

The settlers also attacked a woman that rushed to help the schoolgirls, and attempted to remove her hijab.