WAFA – The Israeli Special Appeals Committee for land seizure under emergency law rejected last week after seven years of proceedings two appeals against the route of the Annexation Wall Israel is building in the Cremisan Valley in the Bethlehem area town of Beit Jala, a press release Friday by the Society of St. Yves stated.The committee ruled on Wednesday in the case of the Cremisan Valley against the annexation wall that building the wall according to the alternative route, which will surround the Salesian Nuns Convent and Primary School from three sides and leave them on the Palestinian side of the wall and will confiscate most of the convent’s lands.

The Committee claimed that ‘this is a reasonable solution that balances Israel’s security needs on one hand, and freedom of religion and the right to education on the other, said the press release.’

The Society of St. Yves was initially successful in changing the primary course of the wall, by which the convent and the school will remain on the Palestinian side of the wall.

“Still the Society of St. Yves sees the verdict as highly problematic and unjust as it doesn’t even discuss the violation of freedom of religion, the right to education as well as the economical damage caused for a unique Christian minority in Beit Jala by the construction of the wall,” said the press release.

The committee has ignored all testimonies and claims of the landowners regarding the damage caused to their land by building the wall and the fact that it will separate them from their lands.

St. Yves is considering taking the case to the High Court.