The Ahrar Center for Detainees’ Studies and Human Rights reported Tuesday that four illegally imprisoned legislators, held at the Negev Israeli detention camp, received renewed Administrative Detention orders, for six additional months without charges or trial.The center said that the new orders were handed to detained legislator, Dr. Mahmoud Ar-Ramahi, legislator Yasser Masour, legislator Ahmad Attoun, and legislator Basem Za’areer.

Head of the Ahrar Center, Fuad Al-Khoffash, stated that the imprisonment of the elected legislators is another Israeli violation against the Palestinians, and their democratically elected legislators and officials.

Al-Khuffash added that Israel kidnapped and imprisoned 51 legislators and ministers since 2006, and that there are currently 13 legislators and two ministers who are still imprisoned by Israel, including nine legislators who are held in administrative detention without charges or trial.

He called on international legal and human rights groups to intervene and stop the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and their elected representatives and officials, and to oblige Israel to end it illegal Administrative Detention policies.